GatewayID default#外部网卡ExternalInterface eth0#无线网卡GatewayInterface eth0#无线IPGatewayAddress路由状态HTMLHtmlMessageFile wifidog-msg.html #验证服务器#AuthServer { # Hostname (Mandatory; Default: NONE)# SSLAvailable (Optional; Default: no; Possible values: yes, no)# SSLPort (Optional; Default: 443)# HTTPPort (Optional; Default: 80)# Path (Optional; Default: /wifidog/ Note: The path must be both prefixed and suffixed by /. Use a single / for server root.)# LoginScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: login/? Note: 未用户登录重定向地址.)# PortalScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: portal/? Note: 登录成功后重定向地址.)# MsgScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: gw_message.php? Note: 退出登录后重定向地址.)# PingScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: ping/? Note: 路由状态心跳地址.)# AuthScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: auth/? Note: 路由请求服务器验证地址 and 验证心跳地址(stage=counters).)#}AuthServer { Hostname auth.com #SSLAvailable yes Path /}# 是否后台进程# Daemon 1#默认网关端口# Default: 2060GatewayPort 80# HTTP进程名# HTTPDName WiFiDog# HTTP最大连接数# Default: 10# HTTPDMaxConn 10# WEB页面加密码后显示名# Default: WiFiDog# HTTPDRealm WiFiDog# WEB加验证# HTTPDUserName admin# HTTPDPassword secret# 心跳间隔时间# Default: 60CheckInterval 60# 心跳间隔次数 验证超时数等于 CheckInterval*ClientTimeout ClientTimeout 2# 信任的MAC地址,加入信任列表将不用登录可访问#TrustedMACList 00:00:DE:AD:BE:AF,00:00:C0:1D:F0:0D#其他防火墙设置#全局FirewallRuleSet global { ## To block SMTP out, as it's a tech support nightmare, and a legal liability #FirewallRule block tcp port 25 ## Use the following if you don't want clients to be able to access machines on ## the private LAN that gives internet access to wifidog. Note that this is not ## client isolation; The laptops will still be able to talk to one another, as ## well as to any machine bridged to the wifi of the router. # FirewallRule block to # FirewallRule block to # FirewallRule block to ## This is an example ruleset for the Teliphone service. #FirewallRule allow udp to #FirewallRule allow udp to #FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to}# 新验证用户FirewallRuleSet validating-users { FirewallRule allow to}#正常用户FirewallRuleSet known-users { FirewallRule allow to}#未知用户FirewallRuleSet unknown-users {#域名已修改源码实现,直接下载的不行的...
FirewallRule allow to baidu.com FirewallRule allow udp port 53 FirewallRule allow tcp port 53 FirewallRule allow udp port 67 FirewallRule allow tcp port 67}#锁住用户FirewallRuleSet locked-users { FirewallRule block to}
iptables_compile 修改:
if (rule->mask != NULL) { char *mask=rule->mask; int mask_len=strlen(mask); int is_domain=0, i=0; for(;i=46&&mask[i]<=57)||mask[i]==32){ continue; }else{ is_domain=1; break; } } char * ip =NULL; if(is_domain){ struct in_addr * h_addr =wd_gethostbyname(mask); if(h_addr){ ip= safe_strdup(inet_ntoa(*h_addr)); free(h_addr); } if(ip){ mask=ip; }else{ debug(LOG_ERR, "doamin %s not find ip try again!",mask); mask=""; } } snprintf((command + strlen(command)), (sizeof(command) - strlen(command)), "-d %s ", mask); if(ip){ free(ip); } }
_parse_firewall_rule 修改:
for (i = 0; *(mask + i) != '\0'; i++) if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*(mask + i)) &&!isalpha((unsigned char)*(mask + i)) && (*(mask + i) != '-') && (*(mask + i) != '.') && (*(mask + i) != '/')) all_nums = 0; /*< No longer only digits */